Best Gynaecologist for Pregnancy , Best Doctor for Pregnancy in Purnia, Pregnancy Management in Purnia Bihar, Best Maternity Centre in Purnia, Dr Ruchi Soumya


The nine months of pregnancy are very special for every female. The warmth and care that she gets during the course of her pregnancy makes the bond with husband and family even stronger. Apart from the care from the family a pregnant woman needs a friend called gynaecologist. Reason is simple during the 9 months of the pregnancy a female would require very high level of personalized care to ensure that the baby growing inside her womb is free of all complications. Dr Ruchi Soumya at her Maternity Centre in Purnia would ensure that the health of both the mother and the baby is fine during these nine months. This is done by regularly testing the blood parameters of the pregnant mother and prescribing medications, supplements to cover the deficiencies. Apart from the testing and medications regular follow up with the gynaecologist is also very important. Dr Ruchi Soumya maintains the record of every pregnant female that visits her at the Maternity Centre in Purnia so that she can manage the pregnancy with more personalized care. Ultrasound scans are done to observe the growth of the foetus which includes a Level 2 ultrasound scan to rule out any congenital abnormalities in the baby.

Most of the hospitals offer you an Ante Natal Package which includes the following : - 6-8 Consults with the Gynaecologist - Blood and Urine Tests - Ultrasound Scans. You must understand the nitty gritty of the tests which are required during the pregnancy. The blood tests include CBC which is done to know the value of blood components specially the haemoglobin levels. If the haemoglobin is low then the gynaecologist will prescribe you medicines to increase the levels. Thyroid test and Blood Glucose tests are done to determine the health of the mother. Viral markers like Hepatitis, HIV, VDRL are done to make sure that the mother is free of all infectious diseases which can pass on to the unborn baby. The pathology services at Ruchi's Maternity Centre in Purnia are provided by Maurya Labs, which is the only NABL accredited lab in the entire Seemanchal region in Bihar.

Best Gynaecologist for Pregnancy , Best Doctor for Pregnancy in Purnia, Pregnancy Management in Purnia Bihar, Best Maternity Centre in Purnia, Dr Ruchi Soumya

Antenatal Care

An ultrasound scan is done during the first trimester to see the viability of the foetus. The ultrasound exam which is done around 14-16 weeks is the most important one and is called Level 2 Scan which is done to rule out any congenital abnormalities in the foetus. If the foetus has some major congenital abnormalities then you can get the pregnancy aborted before the 24th week which is the legal provision in India under the MTP Act. In the third trimester some more blood tests are done to keep an eye on the haemoglobin levels, iron levels and thyroid levels. A colour doppler exam is done around the 30th week to see the loops of umbilical cord around the neck of the foetus, position of the baby and blood flow to various organs of the baby's body. Ideally the baby should be positioned with its head downwards to ensure normal delivery. During all these ultrasound scans the heart rate and body weight of the baby is estimated. A healthy baby should weigh in the range of 2.5 – 3 kg just before the due date of delivery. Dr Ruchi Soumya is one of the most extensively trained gynaecologist in Purnia, Bihar for management of pregnancy with utmost care and safety.

Best Gynaecologist for Pregnancy , Best Doctor for Pregnancy in Purnia, Pregnancy Management in Purnia Bihar, Best Maternity Centre in Purnia, Dr Ruchi Soumya

Best Doctors and Cost

Dr Ruchi Soumya is one of the best gynaecologist for pregnancy management and delivery in Purnia. Dr Ruchi is one of the strongest proponents of Normal Delivery in the entire city of Purnia. She is one gynaecologist who will counsel you to have an active pregnancy rather than sedantary one. She is just a call away for her patients in case of any problem. She is vastly experienced in performing both normal and caesarean delivery with equal ease and confidence. Apart from regular pregnancies she is also trained and experienced in handling high risk pregnancies due to various medical conditions or pregancies with twins.

Dr Ruchi Soumya at her maternity centre in Purnia would give you a plan for the entire 9 months which would have the schedule of ultrasounds and blood tests which need to be done. Also regular consultations schedule would also be there. Dr Ruchi Soumya is one of the very few gynaecologists in Purnia who prescribes investigations that are required and medications that are compulsary to be taken. The best thing about Dr Ruchi Soumya which makes her a popular gynaecologist in Purnia, Bihar is her behaviour towards her patient and being always available for them in time of need.

Dr Ruchi Soumya

Dr Ruchi Somya is an extensively trained gynecologist and IVF Specialist with experience in Deliveries, Female Problems, Surgeries and IVF.

She has brought about a paradigm shift and a class in obstetrics and gynecology treatment in the city of Purnia, Bihar.


Operation Theatre

Operation Theatre

Hospital Patient Room

Single Deluxe Room

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